
Landmark- One Lakh Clicks!!

           Thanks to all the friends who encouraged me through this journey of a lakh clicks.
            Firstly, to Hari but for whom I’d not have started a blog page. In the early days of struggle (to make a mark, that is), he made sure to give me invaluable tips to improve the content as well as to encourage me through the disappointment. I continue to have his wise counsel even now.
           To those who became my followers in the initial days- just to make me feel good. I knew even then that they had very little time for it, but this gesture of encouragement meant a lot to me!
           To all the readers of my book reviews and summaries….. You are the main contributors to reaching this milestone!
           To Nanda, whose erudite comments proved to be worthier than the posts!
           To my known and unknown followers on Facebook, spread over the globe…. Thanks for your interest in this page!
            Lastly, to all the ones I may have forgotten to mention….A BIG THANKS!



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